Coming soon!
About the Species
This specimen was collected by fishermen at Way Batang Hari at Lampung 10 site and downstream, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia and purchased by L.M. Page, J.A. Lopez and R.K. Hadiaty on 4 November 2005. It was made available to the University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility for scanning by Dr. John Lundberg of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Funding for scanning was provided by a National Science Foundation grant (DEB-0089612) to Dr. Lundberg. Funding for image processing was provided by The University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility.
About this Specimen
This specimen was scanned by Matthew Colbert on 4 May 2007 along the coronal axis for a total of 546 slices. Each 1024 x 1024 pixel slice is 0.121 mm thick, with an interslice spacing of 0.121 mm and a field of reconstruction of 55 mm.
About the Scan
Literature & Links
None available.
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