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Tetrabrachium ocellatum, Four-armed Frogfish
Dr. Theodore W. Pietsch - University of Washington
J.W. Johnson and R.J. Arnold
Tetrabrachium ocellatum
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Queensland Museum (QM I.30596)

Image processing: Dr. Jessie Maisano
Publication Date: 28 Sep 2009


The imagery on this page is supporting material for a paper entitled A New Genus and Species of the Shallow-Water Anglerfish Family Tetrabrachiidae (Teleostei: Lophiiformes: Antennarioidei) from Australia and Indonesia, by T.W. Pietsch, J.W. Johnson, and R.J. Arnold, 2009 (Copeia 2009: 483-493). The abstract is as follows:

       A new genus and species of anglerfish, Dibrachichthys melanurus, of the antennarioid family        Tetrabrachiidae, is described on the basis of 42 specimens collected in near-shore coastal waters of        Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, and the Aru Islands, southeastern Indonesia. It        differs most strikingly from its sister species, Tetrabrachium ocellatum, the only previously described        tetrabrachiid, in having the pectoral fin entire, rather than having the rays divided into two distinct        sections, a feature that was heretofore diagnostic for the family. The new taxon is diagnosed,        described, and compared osteologically with its sister taxon using high-resolution, X-ray computed        tomography.

About the Species

This male specimen was made available to The University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray CT Facility for scanning by Dr. Ted Pietsch of the University of Washington.

About this Specimen

The specimen was scanned by Jessie Maisano on 2 July 2008. The cubic voxels measure 0.030 mm.

About the


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& Links

Click on the thumbnail to the left for labeled images of Dibrachichthys melanurus and its sister, Tetrabrachium ocellatum, in lateral view.


Click on the thumbnail to the left for labeled images of Dibrachichthys melanurus and its sister, Tetrabrachium ocellatum, in dorsal view.


To cite this page: Dr. Theodore W. Pietsch, J.W. Johnson and R.J. Arnold, 2009, "Tetrabrachium ocellatum" (On-line), Digital Morphology. Accessed March 14, 2025 at http://digimorph.org/specimens/Tetrabrachium_ocellatum/.

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