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Hesperaletes borineyiFossil, Fossil Tapir
Dr. Matthew Colbert - The University of Texas at Austin
Hesperaletes borineyi
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San Diego Natural History Museum (SDSNH 31326) - holotype

Image processing: Dr. Matthew Colbert
Publication Date: 15 Sep 2006


Abstract from Hesperaletes (Mammalia: Perissodactyla), a new tapiroid from the Middle Eocene of southern California, by M. W. Colbert (Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2006, 23:697-711):

       Two new species of tapiroid perissodactyls referred to Hesperaletes gen. nov. are described from the        Uintan of southern California. Hesperaletes has a deeply retracted narial incision, which is an        indicator of prehensile proboscis development. This feature also characterizes early Oligocene        Protapirus from North America and has been used to diagnose Tapiridae. All late Uintan samples from        San Diego County, California, are referred to H. borineyi sp. nov., but anomalous patterns of variability        and morphological variation prohibit referral of much smaller early Uintan samples to a single species.        Most of the early Uintan samples are referred to H. walshi sp. nov. with the exception of one sample,        which is referred to cf. Hesperaletes. North American Protapirus and Hesperaletes show many cranial        similarities, and phylogenetic analysis resolves them as members of an unnamed clade, implying that        Hesperaletes is a tapirid.

About the Species

This specimen, the holotype, was collected from the late Uintan Member "C," Santiago Formation, College Boulevard Locality (SDSNH loc. 3378), San Diego County, California. It was made available for scanning by Dr. Matthew Colbert of The University of Texas at Austin.

About this Specimen

The specimen was scanned by Matthew Colbert on 10 April 2004 along the coronal axis for a total of 919 slices. Each 1024x1024 pixel slice is 0.1626 mm thick, with an interslice spacing of 0.1626 mm and a field of reconstruction of 74 mm.

About the

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Hesperaletes borineyi

To cite this page: Dr. Matthew Colbert, 2006, "Hesperaletes borineyi" (On-line), Digital Morphology. Accessed March 14, 2025 at http://digimorph.org/specimens/Hesperaletes_borineyi/.

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