For general information for the nonspecialist:
Grenard, S. 1991. Handbook of Alligators and Crocodiles. Kreiger Publishing Co., Malabar, Florida, USA.
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1972. Crocodiles - their natural history, folklore, and conservation. Newton Abbot (Devon, England), 195 pp.
McIlhenny, E.A. 1935. The Alligator's Life History. Boston: Christopher Publishing House.
Neill, W.T. 1971. The Last of the Ruling Reptiles: Alligators, Crocodiles and their Kin. Columbia Univ. Press, New York.
Ross, C.A., and S. Garnett. (Eds.). 1989. Crocodiles and Alligators. Facts On File, Inc., New York. **perhaps the best book available on this subject.
More technical literature:
(please note: this is NOT an exhaustive list of the available literature. This is largely a list of references used in the completion of the computed tomography CD entitled "Alligator: Digital Atlas of the Skull." For a more complete listing of the literature, we recommend Mason Meers' on-line Bibliography of Crocodilian Biology.
Abel, O. 1928. Allognathosuchus, ein an de cheloniphage Nahrungsweise angepa§ter Krokodiltypus des nordamerikanischen Eozäns. Paläontologisches Zeitschrift, 9:367-374.
Bartels, W.S. 1984. Osteology and systematic affinities of the horned alligator Ceratosuchus (Reptilia, Crocodilia). Journal of Paleontology, 58:1347-1353.
Berg, D.E. 1966. Die Krokodile, insbesondere Asiatosuchus und aff. Sebecus?, aus dem Eozän von Messel bei Darmstadt/Hessen. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung, 52:1-105 + 6 plates.
Bertau, M. 1935. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Geruchsorgans der Krokodile. Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, 104:169-202.
Brochu, C.A. 1996a. Closure of neurocentral sutures during crocodilian ontogeny: implications for maturity assessment in fossil archosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 16:49-62.
_____. 1996b. New eusuchian crocodyliforms from the Paleocene of West Texas: biogeographic and phylogenetic implications. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 28:6.
_____. 1997a. A review of "Leidyosuchus" (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) from the Cretaceous through Eocene of North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17:679-697.
_____. 1997b. Phylogenetic systematics and taxonomy of Crocodylia. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
Brühl, C.B. 1862. Das Skelett der Krokodilinen. Wilhelm Braumüller, Vienna, 48 pp + 20 plates.
Buffetaut, E. 1985. The place of Gavialis and Tomistoma in eusuchian evolution: a reconciliation of palaeontological and biochemical data. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paleontologie Monatshefte, 12:707-716.
Busbey, A.B. 1994. The structural consequences of skull flattening in crocodilians; pp. 173-192 in J.J. Thomason (ed.), Functional Morphology in Vertebrate Paleontology, Cambridge University Press, New York.
_____, and C.E. Gow. 1984. A new protosuchian crocodile from the Upper Triassic Elliot Formation of South Africa. Palaeontologica Africana, 25:127-149.
Carlson, W. 1993. A brief introduction to computed X-ray tomography; in Rowe, T., W. Carlson, and W. Bottorf (eds.), Thrinaxodon: Digital Atlas of the Skull. The University of Texas Press. CD-ROM.
Case, E.C. 1925. Note on a new species of the Eocene crocodilian Allognathosuchus, A. wartheni. Contributions from the Museum of Geology, University of Michigan, 2:93-97.
Clark, J.M. 1994. Patterns of evolution in Mesozoic Crocodyloformes; pp. 84-97 in N.C. Fraser and H.D. Sues (eds.), In the Shadow of the Dinosaurs, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.
Clark, J.M., and M.A. Norell. 1992. The Early Cretaceous crocodylomorph Hylaeochampsa vectiana from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Amer. Mus. Novitates, 3032:1-19.
Colbert, E.H. 1946. The eustachian tubes in the Crocodilia. Copeia, 1946:11-14.
Conroy, G.C., and M.W. Vannier. 1984. Noninvasive three-dimensional computer imaging of matrix-filled fossil skulls by high-resolution computed tomography. Science, 226:1236-1239.
Cott, Hugh B. 1961. Scientific results of an inquiry into the ecology and economic status of the Nile Crocodile (Crocodilus niloticus) in Uganda and Northern Rhodesia. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London (B), 29:211-357.
Currie, P.J. 1985. Cranial anatomy of Stenonychosaurus inequalis (Saurischia, Theropoda) and its bearing on the origin of birds. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 22:1643-1658.
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de Beer, G.R. 1937. The Development of the Vertebrate Skull. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Dal Sasso, C., and G. Pinna. 1997. Besanosaurus leptorhynchus n. gen. n. sp., a new shastasaurid ichthyosaur from the Middle Triassic of Besano (Lombardy, N. Italy). Paleontologia Lombarda, 4: 00-00.
Densmore, L.D. 1983. Biochemical and immunological systematics of the order Crocodilia; pp. 397-465 in M.K. Hecht, B. Wallace, and G.H. Prance (ed.), Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 16, Plenum Press, New York.
Densmore, L.D., and H.C. Dessauer. 1984. Low levels of protein divergence detected between Gavialis and Tomistoma: Evidence for crocodilian monophyly. Comp. Biochem. Phys., 77B(4):715-720.
Densmore, L.D., and R.D. Owen. 1989. Molecular systematics of the order Crocodilia. Am. Zool., 29:831-841.
Densmore, L.D., and P.S. White. 1991. The systematics and evolution of the Crocodilia as suggested by restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNA. Copeia, 1991:602-615.
Erickson, B.R. 1972. Albertochampsa langstoni, gen. et sp. nov., a new alligator from the Cretaceous of Alberta. Scientific Publications of the Science Museum of Minnesota, New Series, 2:1-13.
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Ferguson, M.W.J. 1981. The structure and development of the palate in Alligator mississippiensis. Achives for Oral Biology, 26:427-443.
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Hall, P.M., and K.M. Portier. 1994. Cranial morphometry of New Guinea crocodiles (Crocodylus novaeguineae): ontogenetic variation in relative growth of the skull and an assessment of its utility as a predictor of the sex and size of individuals. Herpetological Monographs, 8:203-225.
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